Office Lore - Chapter 1
Speedbumps on the road
Speedbumps are often used to reduce the speed of traffic along a road.
To save the car from damage drivers are forced to decelerate before they cross these obstacles.
Passing these obstacles the shockabsorbers take away most of the impact.
Including slack in your project planning acts like a shockabsorber for your projects critical path compensating possible disruptions in your projects progress.
One problem though arises through the speed that projects are carried out.
Imagine a car driving over a speed bump at high speed, it would severely damage the suspension no matter how well the shockabsorbers were set up.
Keeping this in mind it is nearly impossible to compensate all disruptions in your projects progress through slack time in your planning.
So how should you handle these problems?
One possible solution would be like driving your car, stake your main targets, e.g.
- where do I want to go
- what route do I take
- when do I want to arrive followed by a provident driving style. This enables you to
- recognise risks
- detail / adjust your planning - and steer your project accordingly
for a timeframe that you can overlook well. On arrival of a part of your journey you apply this preplanned driving to your next main taget. This taktik can also be applied step by step.